Tag Archives: collaborative art projects

New Collaboration

14″ Platter

Created in collaboration with my friend and neighbor, Peder Hegland.



Another collaboration with friend and neighbor, Peder Hegland.

Check out other collaborations.

Weekly Drawings Challenges

As we retooled the  Weekly Drawing Project during our ( me, Shirle Bedient, Ronnie Offen) annual week on Amelia Island, we added a labelling component, and also came up with a list of “challenges” as a way of further expanding our explorations.  At this point, there are 19 challenges on the list, and we are each to tackle any 12 of them at any time during the coming year.

1. Draw on found paper

2. Drawing of found object(s)

3. Shoes

4. Continuous line.

5. Metallic

6. Conveying a message

7. Something you don’t want to draw

8. 20 minute drawing

9. Music

10. Shadows

11. Nerd’s eye view

12. Bird’s eye view.

13. Texture

14. Drawing with natural materials

15. Outside In.

16. Design a wine bottle label

17. In today’s paper.

18. Food

19. Stolen From ___________________

JD and JB

JD and JB

While tidying up my studio I came across  a few of my grandson Jack’s (age 3) paintings (the ones he was doing on that very upbeat painting video on my Facebook page)

I decided it would be interesting to use a part of one as a jumping off point for this week’s drawing. All the basic shapes and colors are his. I used the pens and colored pencils to outline/accentuate his shapes, then added a few of my own touches (the squiggly stuff on the upper right, the circles, of course, and the black areas creating the strong horizontal.)

About 50% his work and 50% mine.  A true collaboration, thus the title.

Weekly Drawing/ 7″X7″ watercolor/pigma micron/colored pencil on paper


Weekly drawing

Weekly Drawing

How is is possible that 3 accomplished (and mature) artists find it advantageous to make a pact with one another to complete (and “submit” to one another), one drawing per week?  Not a sketch idea for a painting or a thumbnail to work out a composition or a preliminary drawing for rendering in another medium. A drawing done for its own sake….for no other purpose than to enjoy the process.  I love to draw.  I have always loved to draw.  But somehow I had gotten out of the habit of just drawing for the pure enjoyment of it. We are 5 weeks into this “project”, and I am loving it…..I am seeing more each day as I consider my next drawing. And I am now doing more than just one drawing per week……just for the fun of it.  I find the process itself to be a form of meditation.


click here to see all my weekly drawings

Travels Within The Frame

In case anyone happens to be in Door County, WI during the next couple of months….

Art House Co-op

Several months ago I was introduced to Art House Co-op, a community of artists concept based in Brooklyn. Very exciting stuff.

Art House is an independent Brooklyn-based company that organizes global, collaborative art projects. Their flagship endeavor is the Sketchbook Project: an evolving library that features more than 18,000 artists’ books contributed by creative people from 130+ countries. They also operate the Brooklyn Art Library, the storefront exhibition space in the heart of Williamsburg, as a home for all of their projects.

Art House began in 2006 in Atlanta, GA and moved to New York City in 2009. Since that time, the organization has grown into a worldwide community of more than 60,000 artists. By focusing on the intersection of hands-on art making and new technology, Art House nurtures community-supported art projects that harness the power of the virtual world to share inspiration in the real world.

All of the projects are open to everyone.

I have thus far participated in The 4X6 Exchange 2 and The Note Swap. And I just signed up to participate in The Sketchbook Project: 2013.


(there must be some way to make this link live, but I have no idea how to do it. Any help would be appreciated)

4/26/12: and now I know.